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A Prince For Sophie Page 5
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Page 5
When Stephan stopped the car near the base of the stairs that led to the house, she opened the door and inhaled deeply. This is exactly where she needed to be, and she didn’t know what to think about the fact that it had been this man, largely a stranger to her, who had suggested it.
“The stables are down that path, not far. I wouldn’t be surprised if Andre, our stable master, already has a couple of horses saddled for us.”
“That would be a bonus, then. We don’t have a lot of time before I have to return you to the bosom of your family.”
Sophie looked at him and burst out laughing. “Despite the fact that I still live in my father’s house, I really do lead an independent life.”
“Did I say anything different?”
“You implied it.”
“See? You were thinking as we drove here that you didn’t know me very well. And you’ve just proved yourself wrong.”
Sophie thought it would be wise if she said nothing in response to that preposterous claim. Instead, she led the way to the stables. As she neared the structure, a soft whinny greeted her.
“There’s my beautiful girl.”
Her horse, a pretty chestnut mare, bobbed her head as if agreeing with her mistress’ assessment.
“I pictured you as owning a midnight black Arabian named Diablo, a bewitched stallion whose duty, all these years, has been to protect you from the ravishment of mere mortal men.”
“You have quite the whimsical streak, Your Highness. There are several Arabians in my father’s stable, some of them black, but I prefer this lovely quarter horse whose name is Chocolat. She was born in the United States on a farm in Virginia. So she is quite the well bread southern lady.”
At just that moment, Andre led another horse out of the building. This one was Arabian, and pure black. She saw Stephan’s eyes light with pleasure. “Sorry to disappoint you. His name is Splendor, and although he was quite frisky once, I’m afraid he’ll never fall in love again.”
Stephan’s laughter was a wonderful gift. She felt as if she had managed to do something quite extraordinary to spark it so many times in such a short period of time.
It took little time for them to mount up and head off along one of the many trails that wound through the large estate. Sophie deliberately dismissed from her mind the thought that Stephan was the first man she’d ever gone riding with. The scoundrel was raking up a rather large number of firsts where she was concerned. She didn’t want to think about that either, or about the affect he had on her. She didn’t want to think about anything at all. She wanted to ride, to feel the wind in her hair and pretend, if only for a little while, that she was as free and unfettered as a creature of the woods.
* * * *
Stephan was astonished when Sophie reached up and pulled the clip from her hair. Letting it drop to the ground behind her, she let go of the reins just long enough to comb her fingers through the long tresses.
With her hair up and neatly styled, she’d been the epitome of the elegant and aloof ice princess. With it loosed and hanging down her back, she resembled a woodland sprite, happy and free. Then the trail they were on opened up and a vast meadow spread before them.
“Race you!”
The challenge caught him off guard. She’d managed to sprint her mare several lengths ahead of him before he kicked his heels lightly, sending his mount into a full gallop.
The sound of her laughter came to him on the wind, and he understood in that moment that for her everything had disappeared but the animal under her and the wind streaming through her long hair.
Seating himself deep into the saddle, he leaned forward, urging the animal beneath him to overtake her. He let the beast have its head. If the meadow had been just a few meters longer, he believed they would have caught her.
She was flushed and breathless when he pulled his horse up beside hers. He could no sooner stop himself from reaching for her than he could stop breathing. Vaulting from the back of his horse, he scooped her off hers and held her close.
“What are you doing to me, Sophie de la Croix? Why can’t I keep my hands off you?”
He gave her no time to answer. His mouth descended on hers, hot and hard. Did she taste the anger in his kiss? He knew there was a trace of it there. He felt out of control when he was near her, and he didn’t like the sensation one bit.
She clung to him, her tongue tracing every corner of his mouth. When his hands began to stroke her back, when one swooped down to cover her bottom, pulling her against his erection, she broke free.
“You touch me and I can’t think. I can’t reason. If anyone is doing anything it’s you. You are a…a rake. A roué. If the tabloids are even a tiny bit accurate, you do this sort of thing all the time. But I do not. I won’t be another notch on your bedpost.”
Her confusion and anger settled his own. Oh, there was nothing of the ice princess in her now. “You should not believe everything you read, little one. Neither should you sell yourself so short. It is not my nature to try and seduce innocent little virgins. You appeal to me in ways I didn’t anticipate.” He could see by the look in her eyes she didn’t believe him.
Just as well. Perhaps, despite the hunger that was burning in him for her, he would be better off leaving her alone. It went against everything he’d ever believed in to press his advantage if a woman was truly opposed to him. No meant no, always.
“You are trying to tell me that I alone have inspired this passion in you? Please, you do not have to be kind to me.”
Kind to her? What a strange thing to say. He was reminded then of her comment after he’d pleasured her. And there, once more, was the same look in her eyes that had come over her when his father had complimented—no, Stephan realized, when his father had compared her to her mother. He didn’t understand where her thoughts had taken her, but he couldn’t let it be. Couldn’t, he realized, allow her to think so little of herself.
“Why would you think I am being kind? That would imply that I’m not being honest with you, and I am. You’re not only a beautiful and desirable woman, Sophie. You’re a very passionate one as well.”
“Beautiful? Yes, thank you, though I can take no credit for an accident of birth.” She did not take a step back, but her hands had fallen to her sides and she held herself in a manner he could only call remote. “I have heard all my life how I am beautiful, the mirror image of my mother. And I am. I know that I am. I have many of her mannerisms, also. I am uncomfortable when faced with strangers, and in crowds. You think I do not know that I am called the ice princess? I’ve known about that name for years. It’s because I’m truly like my mother, you see. Cold and unfeeling. There is nothing I can do to change my nature. Genetics, in the end, will always tell. ”
The utter devastation in her eyes simply undid him. Reaching out, he clamped his hands on her arms, drawing her close.
“Cold? Unfeeling? This from the woman who had an orgasm in the cloakroom from so simple a touch? No, Sophie. You are many things, but not cold. Not unfeeling. Let me prove it to you.”
As he drew her closer, it occurred to him that perhaps he’d planned to take her here all along. In the next breath, he knew that wasn’t quite the truth. When her passion had drenched his fingers earlier that afternoon, he’d known he had to have her. Sophie didn’t have a clue just how she affected him. At this moment he couldn’t recall another woman who had gotten under his skin quite so quickly, or so thoroughly. He’d like to think it was her passionate response, not an emotional need that compelled him now. But he had the feeling he was about to take an irrevocable step.
Ah yes, she could sense the change in him. No longer teasing, no longer simply flirting, he meant to have her. The deeply primitive, female part of her must have scented his intentions. He’d always believed himself to be a man of culture, of civilization.
Something in Sophie stripped those two facades away from him.
He answered by kissing her, using his lips and to
ngue to gently woo, to sweetly soften. She moved into his arms, seduced, he knew, by the emotions coming to life within her. Her taste was addictive, and he wondered, fleetingly, if he would ever get enough of her. When her arms wrapped around him, he nuzzled her neck. He felt the melting in her. Sweeping her up, he lowered her to the soft green grass in the shade of the large maple tree. But no matter how much he wanted to take her, to claim her, he needed to know that she wanted him just as much.
“Will you let me have you?”
* * * *
Sophie never thought to hear such a question. No man had ever been this close to her, no man had ever indicated that he could want her. Until now. She’d resigned herself to living the single life, a life without a husband or children. That hadn’t changed. The unusual chemistry between the two of them was potent, and sexual, but it couldn’t change her basic nature, and she could see no reason to alter the plan she’d made for her life. Stephan wouldn’t be looking for anything more than what they could have here, on this lazy summer afternoon under the shade of this tree. Here was a chance to taste what she thought she’d never even get to sample.
“I liked how you made me feel earlier. I want to feel that way again.”
Something in his grin, so slow and sexy, made her belly quiver. He was laying on the grass half beside and half over her. He lowered his head, and her eyes drifted closed. His mouth on hers was gentle, as if tasting her in tiny increments. Her lips widened in a smile and when she felt his tongue licking her, she opened to him.
She became weightless and boneless, outside of reality, soaring in euphoria. The heat of him melted into her, and his scent, something fresh and manly seeped into her soul. His flavor, rich, exciting, heated her blood. Her heart pounded heavily in her chest, her nipples tightened, and she felt moisture dampen her panties.
Excitement raced through her as his hands set off a firestorm of sensations. Everywhere he caressed—her breasts, her thighs, low on her belly—became thrillingly alive. Her fingers flexed in his hair, and she arched into him, seeking more.
“Lift up, little one.”
Sophie hadn’t realized he’d opened her blouse. When he helped her to raise up off the ground a little, he slipped both it and her bra off her body.
“Oh, Sophie, you have such beautiful breasts.”
Embarrassment died before it could be born. The expression on his face as he looked at her was one of a man gazing at a truly captivating sight. His caress sent shivers through her body.
He took one nipple into his mouth. Sophie closed her eyes as a wave of bliss washed through her. Not quite an orgasm, the sensation settled on her nerve endings and filled her belly with liquid heat. Bowing her back, she offered him more of the flesh he was laving and suckling.
She felt his hand on the zipper of her slacks. In moments it was open, and she lifted her hips to help him rid her of it. He took her panties at the same time.
His mouth recaptured hers at the same instant his hand stroked her sex. Her body knew what to expect this time, and seemed eager for it. She watched, fascinated, as he yanked his shirt over his head, then quickly shed the rest of his clothes. Her breath caught.
“You’re the beautiful one.”
He fumbled with his pants and met her gaze. His slight blush delighted her. She’d only spoken the truth. His chest and arms bore corded muscles with a smattering of hair and had nothing of the pampered prince in their appearance. His penis stole her focus. Sophie gulped, for although she’d seen pictures she’d no idea it could be that big. The sight should have put her off. But gazing at his shaft just curled the heat in her belly and made her mouth water.
It only took him a moment to tear open a small packet he’d taken from his wallet and protect them both. She found the process…interesting.
Mistaking the reason for her rapt attention, he explained, “Since I was sixteen and was nearly brought to ruin by an older woman who ambushed me, I’ve always ensured I have protection on me, no matter where I am or who I’m with.”
It should have been a passion-cooling reminder that he’d done this sort of thing before. That didn’t seem to matter at the moment. That his explanation sounded like an apology put a smile on her face.
“I’m glad you had one. I didn’t think.”
Gathering her back into his arms, he dropped a quick, endearingly sweet kiss on the end of her nose. “I’ll always protect you, little one. You don’t have to think. Just feel.”
She wanted to respond to that arrogant command, but his mouth on hers and the sensation of his chest rubbing against her bare breasts short-circuited her brain. She had no choice. Her body shut down her mind and focused all its attention on the tactile thrills coming one after the other.
The heat of him caressing and kissing, stroking and soothing pulled a sob from deep within her. He nudged her legs apart, and then urged her to spread them wider as his hand did unbelievable things to her. He slid a finger inside her, then another. The excitement ebbed slightly as she felt once more a twinge of discomfort.
“You’re small, sweetheart. So incredibly small and tight. But so wet for me.”
The discomfort eased and her arousal spiked. Moving her hips in concert with the thrust of his fingers, she knew this time where the sensations were leading her. That moment when all her nerve endings had exploded in tingles and spasms had been the most thrilling moment of her life. She wondered if she would feel it again even as her body strove toward it.
Stephan kissed her, his tongue wild in its assault, and she opened to him, sensing that this was more than a kiss, that it was nearly a command to surrender. Opening herself completely to him, above and below, she gave him what he sought. His weight, pressing her into the soft grass became an anchor, and she rejoiced in it. The probing of his penis at the opening within her folds felt hot and hard and sent even more concentrated shivers throughout her body. Then he stroked his cock over her clit and she erupted in orgasm.
She curled herself around him and cried out as he thrust into her. The tearing of her hymen, a sharp stab of pain that was soon over, only added to her rapture.
She could do nothing but wrap her legs around him as he pumped into her, the power of her climax far greater than the blip she’d experienced earlier that day.
Sophie cried out, uncertain if she could contain all the sensations and emotions that were rushing through her. The thought flashed through her mind that she understood why this act was called consummation.
The fire of passion consumed her completely.
Chapter 7
She’d expected to see a sign of it in the mirror.
Sophie studied her reflection, turning her head first one way and then the other. Today her entire world had changed, yet no sign of that change showed.
Virginity had never been a prized possession in her mind. It had simply been her state of being. She hadn’t, as she imagined some women did, guarded it diligently. She’d not, in fact, given much thought to the matter one way or another. Men had never seemed attracted to her. The point had seemed moot.
But now she had given her virginity to Stephan. And she didn’t know how she really felt about that.
The sex had been amazing. Orgasms felt even more liberating than riding a horse fast across an open meadow. A silly grin took over her face. There, that’s a change. Shaking her head, Sophie pulled on her bathing suit and then donned her robe. She’d just had a hot shower, but what she really wanted was a good, long swim in the pool.
She tried not to feel disappointed when no kiss thieves appeared as she made her way to the fitness center. Upon their return to the palace, Justin informed Stephan his mother was waiting for him.
With only two hours until dinner Sophie needed to do something routine to try and bring herself back to normal. Even if normal would be a façade. The last thing Stephan had said when they’d parted company was that he’d be knocking on her door later tonight.
As she felt her body begin to respond to the thought of that ra
scal and more sex, she quickened her pace. Hopefully the refreshing coolness of the indoor pool would restore her equilibrium and turn off her juices.
* * * *
The splash took Hannah unawares.
Floating on her back, her goal a bit of relaxation before dinner, she hadn’t heard anyone enter the poolroom. Pulling her feet down, she stood up and scanned the water’s surface. Sleek, wet black hair and a determined, driven breaststroke identified the swimmer. Hannah made her way over to the edge of the pool and just watched as Sophie cut through the water, lap upon lap. The young woman always reminded Hannah of an electric current—crackling, full of energy, and driven. Today she appeared even more wired than usual.
Finally that energy seemed to wind down. The princess threw herself onto her back, floating effortlessly. The illusion of relaxation was marred by the harsh sound of her breathing, which echoed in the cavernous room.
“Feel better?”
Hannah was proud of the progress she’d made reaching out to Sophie. Alex’s oldest daughter had struck her, on first meeting, as a reserved and regimented woman—cool, collected, and tightly wound. It was only as she began to get to know her that Hannah realized Sophie’s manner covered a shy personality and, she believed, a love-starved nature.
Alex had been brutally frank in discussing his late wife’s shortcomings as a parent. To give him credit, his purpose had been not to denigrate his children’s mother, but rather to help Hannah in understanding his children and his relationships with them.
The mother in Hannah longed to just gather Sophie into a fierce hug. The woman in her recognized the young princess wasn’t ready for such a display of affection.
“No, damn it.”
Hannah couldn’t help the laugh that erupted in response to Sophie’s frustrated declaration.
“Well if that kind of frenzied exercise didn’t help whatever is bothering you, there is only one thing left known to womankind that will. Chocolate.”