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Prince and Single Mom Page 11
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Page 11
He couldn’t help but smile as Jamie bounced and led Hannah toward the barn—probably talking a mile a minute. Once they had disappeared out of sight, he turned to Catharine.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know until this morning that Mom…”
“You haven’t kissed me yet.” He tugged her into his arms and took care of that right away. He plundered, his tongue claiming hers and dominating her in a way he knew smacked of the primitive, and a sign of his growing impatience. He would never get enough of her. She was sexy and sassy, exotic and hot. When she clung to him, when she lost herself in his arms so much that she moaned, he gentled his assault, reluctantly lifting his lips from hers.
“That’s better. I’m pleased to meet your mother, Kate. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Right at this moment, I can’t think of a single reason.”
He left his arm around her shoulders when the small procession emerged from the trees. Jamie bounced between his grandmother and Andre, and the stable master listened politely as Jamie chattered on. Philip smiled when Kate suddenly seemed to realize how cozy the two of them must look to the others. Laughing, he yanked her close for a quick kiss before jogging off. Opening the gate to the outdoor paddock, Philip took the reins of the horse, dismissed Andre, and smiled at Kate’s mother.
“I think Jamie wants to show you what he’s learned this week.”
“That’s why I’m here.”
Jamie did a good job of impressing his grandmother, and Philip couldn’t have been prouder if he’d been his own son. Something about the little imp had hooked him. He paid close attention, of course, making sure that the horse behaved for his young rider. But he also watched Kate with her mother. They looked totally at ease with each other. You could tell they were family, just by watching. Hannah rested her hand on Kate’s shoulder, in the same comfortable, loving way he'd seen Kate touch Jamie. Love bound the three of them—mother, grandmother, and child. He hoped there’d be room in that tight circle for one more.
* * * *
Catharine hadn’t expected Philip to pull a fast one and convince her mom to take Jamie for the rest of the day. But before she could blink, the deal had been done, and the two of them drove off in the rental car, leaving her and Philip alone at the farm.
“I think Mom had planned on seeing the countryside on her own.”
“Your mother doesn’t appear to be the sort of woman who could be talked into doing anything against her will.”
“How would you know? You only just met her!” He was trying to drag her toward the house. She knew what would happen once they got inside. He’d kiss her again and she’d lose all ability to think.
“As a doctor it is necessary for me to have advanced people skills. There are times when I need to assess a situation, and the people involved quickly. So, am I right?” he asked.
“Yes, damn it. And stop grinning.”
“I can’t help it. I’m so happy whenever I’m with you. Now come on, I want to show you something inside.”
“Ha, I’ve already seen it.” She relented, allowing him to pull her toward the house.
“Smart-ass. I like saying that. Smart-ass. Has a nice sound. And although what you’re referring to definitely bears seeing again and again, that is not what I want to show you right now.”
He led her straight back to the kitchen. When he pointed to a chair, she sat.
“I am going to cook you lunch.”
“You are?”
He made a great show of rummaging through the cupboards, and in short order came up with a can of soup, a box of crackers, two bowls, a can opener and a pot. She couldn’t help but smile over the careful and meticulous way he went about preparing the soup. After he placed the pot on the stove, he quickly set the small table.
“There, see? Many talents.”
“Well, I’m impressed,” she teased. He’d chosen cream of mushroom soup, which happened to be one of her favorites, and she told him he’d heated it very well.
“I don’t believe I mentioned to you that two of the innovations my father instituted when the country became more affluent was free medical care and free university education. The latter for all citizens who qualified with good grades.”
“That’s wonderful, Philip. I wish we had a policy like that back home.”
“I’m so glad you feel that way, Kate. Because your high school marks are very good, and the entrance exam you wrote for college scored quite high.”
Catharine halted her spoon half way to her mouth. She narrowed her eyes, not certain that she’d heard Philip correctly.
“What did you just say?”
“And really, it’s quite simple. I know how much you want to be a nurse, and I know how much of a struggle you will have at home, going to school and caring for Jamie. I have no doubt whatsoever that you are capable and will achieve your goal. But why put yourself through that stress? Your grades are good enough to qualify for admittance here, to the University of Boisdemer.”
“That’s not simple. First, I’m not a citizen. Secondly, I’d have no place to stay, no…”
“Yes, you see, that’s the simple part.”
“What is? I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
“I’m saying you should marry me.”
Catharine's spoon dropped back into her bowl with a splash.
Chapter 15
The day had certainly been an eye-opener for Alex.
He might have been a bit miffed that Hannah hadn’t mentioned her plans. He should have been aware that something was up when she hadn’t committed to seeing him at any particular time today. Be that as it may, he should have been able to pass a day very well without her.
He’d been doing it all his life until last week.
Today, however, he’d made a startling discovery. After a life spent devoid of love, he had found it in the blink of an eye with a visitor to his country, a woman who had no inkling of his true identity. He was in love with Hannah Jones, and spending even one morning without her had been hell.
He wondered now that he didn’t suspect he had been falling in love with her, right from the very first moment. He wasn’t a roué, borrowing the word from Hannah and chuckling. A man didn’t suddenly change his nature after nearly half a century of living. Taking a step back, looking at the last week within the context of his entire life, his behavior with Hannah had been unusual. Oh, not the part about falling in love with the woman, and seizing the moment.
Bringing Hannah to his bed as quickly as he had and keeping her there as much as he had was the smartest thing he’d ever done.
No, the problem wasn’t making love to Hannah—but his lie of omission.
Only one thing gave him hope. Just as a man suddenly didn’t change his nature, neither did a woman. He didn’t think Hannah could respond to him so sweetly, or so hotly, if she wasn’t in love with him, too.
The prospect of spending the rest of the day without her seemed a grim one, indeed. Leaving the dining room and his barely touched lunch, Alex strolled outside, trying to decide what he would do to fill the time.
Only one thing came to mind. He needed to figure out how to tell the woman he loved that he was the king of Boisdemer.
* * * *
“Are you crazy?”
It wasn’t just the words that stopped Philip in his tracks. It was the fact that his Kate had surged to her feet and shouted them at the top of her lungs.
“Marry you? You think I should marry you so I can get a free education?”
“Yes. It makes perfect sense.” At least it had when he’d thought up this strategy. He knew that Kate would never believe he loved her after only a week. Frowning, he watched as she began to pace.
“You sent for my transcripts? What right did you have to do that? Just because you’re a prince doesn’t mean you can tromp all over a person’s privacy! Walking all over my rights as if I’m nothing! What the hel
l is it about men that they figure they can use women for whatever they want and then just treat them as if they have no right to their own thoughts and feelings and life!”
Philip had the sinking sensation that he had done something grievously wrong. The words Kate hurled at him hurt. He certainly didn’t think he deserved them.
“It was never my intention to ‘tromp all over your privacy’. I only wanted to help you. Nothing? You think I think you’re nothing? Mon Dieu, woman, how could you think such a thing?” Raking his fingers through his hair, Philip cursed in frustration. The afternoon wasn’t going as he’d planned. Taking his life in his hands he stepped forward, and stopped Kate in her tracks. “I’m sorry. I only wanted to help. I wanted to be a part of helping you realize your dream.” He spoke the truth, but he didn’t say it all. He would step back, but he wouldn’t withdraw his proposal—such as it had been.
“Obtaining information about me without my permission and offering marriage are pretty extreme ways of trying to help.”
“I’ve never been in this position before.” Her body felt rigid in his arms, and while she didn’t appear to be as livid as she had been, the expression on her face looked far from congenial.
“Kate. Listen to me. I truly never thought that you would be upset by this.”
“Well, I am. You can’t just go around offering to marry women because you feel sorry for them.”
“I don’t feel sorry for you. I admire you.” I love you, he wanted to add, but dared not. At least, not yet.
“You admire me?”
Such surprise echoed in her voice that Philip felt his heart turn over. “How could I not? You had been left in an untenable situation, yet managed to care for yourself and your son. Do you know how remarkable you are for that alone, Kate? The Home for Children that my sister runs has more than one child who has been abandoned by young or unmarried mothers. Sometimes these mothers think they’re doing the right thing for the child, and sometimes, they are. I cannot judge them. But I do know that these children do not feel valued. The staff does what they can, but without a mother’s love, a child suffers. And I can tell you these children do not have the self-confidence and the sense of belonging that your Jamie has. You did what you thought right for you and for Jamie. But I know that doing so has been difficult.”
“Of course I kept my baby. There’s nothing special about that.”
Her body relaxed a little in his arms, and he took immediate advantage by placing a soft kiss on her lips. “I don’t want to waste our time together fighting. Please don’t be angry with me anymore.” He smiled when she laid her head on his chest.
“All right. Fighting is a waste of time. We don’t have a lot of it left.”
Philip didn’t correct her. Instead, he kissed her again. This time he let his tongue invade her mouth, taste every bit of her while his hands ran up and down her back. “Come upstairs with me. Let me have you.”
* * * *
She had the strange suspicion that nothing had been resolved between them. She should have said no, and insisted they make sure they occupied the same page before having sex. In one week’s time, she would be getting on a plane and flying home.
But she was weak when it came to Philip. She simply couldn’t resist the opportunity to get her hands on him, to take him into her body.
He was the second lover she’d taken but it was as if he was the first, and the only. No one had ever offered so much because he admired her and wanted to help. Though he’d pissed her off with his high-handedness, she could see—now—that he’d meant his proposal as a kind and sincere offer. She hadn’t known a man could be like that, giving so selflessly.
When he turned to her in his bedroom, she didn’t give him a chance to start. Going up on her toes, she cupped his face in her hands. Kissing first one, and then the other of his cheeks, she said, “Thank you for saying you admire me.”
“You don’t have to thank me. It involved no effort whatsoever.”
Smiling, Catharine began to unbutton his shirt. Each bit of flesh she exposed, she kissed. Then she began tasting him with her tongue. It occurred to her that she had let him have his way in this far too often. His kisses weakened her, his touch melted her, until she only wanted to take whatever he gave her and enjoy it.
Catharine decided to turn the tables.
“No, let me,” she whispered when he reached for her. She felt the fine trembling that had taken over his body. She stepped back long enough to shuck her shirt and bra. Then she stepped forward again, her arms going tightly around his waist so she could rub her naked breasts against his chest. Light brown hair dusted his torso, and she reveled in the sensation of that coarse pelt on her nipples. Muscles flexed against her, and she sighed. Her lips kissed while her tongue teased first one male nipple, then the other. She smiled when she heard his groan, and didn’t mind the way his hands went to her shoulders, squeezing and caressing.
Her hands smoothed across his back, then came forward, to his front, and the fly of his pants. It took only a moment to pop the snap and pull down the zipper. Her hand slipped under his briefs and surrounded his cock, caressing it firmly.
“Merde!” The single word emerged more of a hiss than a statement, and Catharine chuckled low in her throat. She hadn’t been sure she could drive him as wild as he drove her.
Releasing him, both hands met at the small of his back. Dipping them beneath his waistband, she had briefs and jeans pooled around his ankles in no time.
Then she turned him, and gave him a little shove so that he ended up sitting on the bed. Dropping to her knees before him, she took his cock in her right hand, and met his eyes.
“I’ve never done this before.” Had refused, in fact, to do it that one other time. But this felt right, with Philip. She needed to show him just how much she cared about him, cared for him. "Let me know if I don’t do it right."
Why would the sight of this cock so up-close be such a turn on? Why was this cock beautiful when the other had been repulsive? Catharine pushed the invading thoughts away.
Daringly, her tongue flicked out and tasted him, base to tip.
“I don’t think you could do it wrong,” the words came, sounding nearly strangled.
The taste of him aroused her more than she would have believed. Emboldened, she opened her mouth and took him in. Hard and smooth, big and beautiful, her lips stretched as they slid down then back up over him. His hands fisting and then relaxing in her hair told her he liked her attentions. She liked it too. Using her tongue to caress the hot flesh as she worked him in and out, she began tiny sucking motions.
“Oh God. Kate.”
Smiling, she released his cock with a wet plop and met his eyes with her own.
“I’m close. Be careful, I may not be able to stop myself from coming in your mouth.”
The words excited her. She wanted to taste him, she realized, as he had tasted her.
She gave him no time to respond. Taking his cock as deeply as she could she sucked him in and out, working her tongue along his shaft, sliding, slurping and devouring him. She heard his gasp, knew he tried to hold on, tried to stop himself from coming. She slid her mouth all the way off his cock, then ran her tongue up and down, teasing him. She put her lips together on the base of it, and sucked as if she wanted to give him a hickey there. Then she deep throated him again, sucked hard, and brought her right hand up to cup and tease his balls.
His deep groan sounded in her ears even as she received the first stream of semen in her mouth. Then he came hot and fast and she had no time to do anything but swallow. Salty and pungent, she thought she might become addicted to the taste.
She was resting her head on his knees, and enjoying the sensation of his hands, slowly caressing her neck and shoulders.
“Mmm?” she lifted her head, met his gaze.
“It’s going to take me a few minutes to get hard again. You’re goin
g to have to let me play with you now, to help.”
“A woman’s work is never done.”
His soft laughter warmed her. When he reached down and pulled her up, she went eagerly into his arms. His kiss entranced her, arousing and comforting at the same time.
“I want us both naked and under the blankets.”
“That’s what I want, too.”
She stood and slipped off her shoes. Before she could reach for the zipper on her jeans his hands were there, taking over the task. In moments, flesh met flesh on the crisp white sheets.
“This is very nice,” Philip said softly.
Catharine smiled. With her head on his chest, she could hear his heartbeat. She felt warm and safe, two things she’d not experienced often.
“It is. A part of me wishes we could stay like this forever.” She knew it was a dangerous thing to admit, but it was true, and something about the moment called for honesty.
“We can always return to just the two of us, naked, in bed. Whenever things get too busy, or too tense. I think everything will be fine if we remember to come back to this exact place.”
“Well, yeah. For the next week.” She had to remember that she had to fly home a week from tomorrow.
“No, cherie. For the rest of our lives. I apologized for offending you, and I meant it. But I said you should marry me, and I meant that, too.”
Catharine froze. She tried to ignore the lurch of her heart and the soaring of her spirits. She told herself that the pretty words had come after the sex, and not as a lure for it. There must be something ingrained in Philip—likely bred over generations—that called to the chivalrous in moments such as this. He couldn’t be serious. And she wouldn’t treat the situation that way. So she seized on what she believed would be the fatal deterrent and final word on the subject.
“Sure. Like your father the king is going to let his son the prince marry a single mom.”
He moved so quickly her breath caught. Pinning her to the bed, looming over her, his smile flashed wicked and sweet all at once.